5 Reasons Dental Floss Benefit

5 Reasons You Should Use Dental Floss Everyday

Yes, flossing using dental floss is quite boring. Dental floss isn’t particularly pleasurable to use, though.

However, suppose you don’t floss daily. In this case, you are putting yourself at risk of developing a common dental problem called bacteria and plaque accumulation.

This can lead to gum disease and tooth decay. It sounds awful, but it’s true!

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What is the Plaque?

Plaque is a slimy, near-invisible film that grows on the teeth. It’s made up of germs, food debris, and saliva. The bacteria make acids that make cavities and hurt the gums.

Also, when plaque is left on the teeth, it will turn into tartar. Both of these things will make your gums hurt and will also destroy your bones over time. This is called periodontal disease.

For dealing with this problem, flossing is one of the most essential dental hygiene procedures you can perform. Flossing removes food particles, plaque, and bacteria from all tooth surfaces where our toothbrush cannot reach. This helps to prevent gum disease by disrupting plaque colonies before they form under your gums. It’s also been shown to reduce tooth decay, gum inflammation, and tooth loss.

In this article, we’ll go through 5 reasons why you should start flossing daily.

What are the benefits of flossing everyday?

1) Daily flossing helps you prevent dental cavities.

Dental floss can help you prevent tooth decay by removing food debris stuck in between the teeth that brushing might’ve missed. It is important to remove plaque and food particles from between the teeth. Because this will prevent dental cavities, which can lead to tooth decay.

Brushing your teeth removes food debris on top of the teeth, but it doesn’t get in between them (which includes under gums). Food debris acts as fuel for bacterial growth if bacteria isn’t removed quickly enough. Then dental damage may occur over time due to acid production by bacteria feeding off leftover food residue stuck in crevices within the mouth – yuck!

In that case, flossing helps clean these spaces where our toothbrushes cannot reach with bristles. Therefore, flossing is a great way to disrupt dental plaque and reduce its damage to your teeth.

Dental Floss Everyday

2) Flossing reduces inflammation, which leads to healthier gums.

The American Dental Association (ADA) suggests that daily dental floss can reduce bleeding during tooth brushing. Brushing and flossing can help to prevent the accumulation of plaque in your mouth. That can help reduce inflammation in your gums! It traps bacteria and removes harmful toxins from beneath the gums, where they can cause redness or swelling.

If you have redness or swelling of your gums, it is often a sign that there are irritants below the surface of your teeth. This is why we need to floss everyday. Flossing gets rid of the plaque that causes inflammation and helps to prevent damage to your teeth.

In other words, dental floss is the essential tool to keep your gums healthy by reducing plaque buildup on tooth surfaces and around the gumline.

3) Flossing can help to clean your mouth and keep your breath smelling better.

It turns out dental floss can not only prevent dental problems like dental cavities and gum disease, but it might even help you to improve your bad breath!

Oral bacteria is one of the leading causes of halitosis (bad breath). Daily use of dental floss may reduce this bacteria. Disrupting plaque colonies with dental floss helps remove food particles that would otherwise cause an unpleasant smell.

Therefore, flossing regularly with dental floss and a tongue scraper can disrupt this bacterial growth and reduce the bad breath of trapped food particles.

4) Dental floss help you to clean around braces.

Dental floss is a very efficient tool for cleaning around orthodontic appliances such as braces, retainers, and other fixed dental work. If any food particles get caught between your braces or retainers, this can lead to gum disease. Because bacteria will grow around the food particle trapped, it is important to brush thoroughly after meals!

However, brushing alone won’t take care of these dental spaces where you can’t reach with the bristles on your toothbrush. In that case, dental floss is very effective at getting rid of plaque and food particles around dental appliances like braces or retainers. Because dental floss was well designed to slide between teeth without damaging them – unlike a toothpick which could break a dental wire if misused!

5) Flossing might help you to prevent heart disease.

Flossing is a simple method to prevent heart disease caused by chronic inflammatory diseases, such as periodontitis.

The relationship between good dental health and heart health is not yet fully understood. However, researchers believe the bacteria that cause gum disease may travel through the body, causing heart inflammation and infection in heart valves.

Therefore, daily brushing and flossing can help remove bacteria and inflammation from your mouth. Ultimately it will help you lower the risk for heart problems related to chronic inflammatory conditions!

Flossing Woman

Brushing, Flossing, and more!

As we discussed in this article, dental floss is essential for maintaining a healthy smile and overall good oral hygiene. It should be used in addition to brushing your teeth because it cannot reach all the surfaces that need dental care if you don’t floss regularly.

Proper oral care starts with proper dental maintenance like regular checkups and cleanings as well as good home care routines such as effective brushing & flossing techniques!

So remember: brushing alone isn’t enough, but brushing + flossing = a healthier smile!

We also talked about the importance of dental floss as an essential tool to remove dental plaque and food particles from teeth, leading to tooth decay if left behind. Flossing not only helps your gums stay healthy by reducing inflammation, but it’s a very effective way to keep bad breath away too!

In addition, dental floss is essential for those with dental appliances such as braces or retainers because it slides between teeth without damaging them – unlike a toothpick that could break wires.

Therefore, brushing and dental flossing are a must for good dental health. Brushing your teeth at least twice per day or more with fluoride toothpaste and using dental floss every day. This way, you will be taking great care of your smile & overall health too!

If you’ve been struggling to find the time, or if it feels like dental plaque has already built up around your teeth and gums, let us know!

Our dental professionals are ready to help with an examination and cleaning, including removing any potential bacteria causing the gum disease in the process.

Our family dentists in Prime Dental Group provide gentle dental care services tailored specifically for your needs at our Bellevue and Lynnwood offices. So don’t wait another day before getting started- call today!

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